At Northbound, we work with municipal clients throughout various projects that require additional notification to the public. This page is available for members of the public to review public notices as per notification procedures adopted by the client.
RM OF HAZEL DELL – Zoning Bylaw & Official Community Plan Adoption
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council for the RM of Hazel Dell No. 335 (RM) intends to consider the adoption of new land use planning bylaws, an Official Community Plan (OCP) and a Zoning Bylaw (ZB), under sections 29 and 46 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007 (PDA).
INTENT: The new OCP outlines the municipal vision for future land use planning in the RM and includes local land use policies to assist decision makers in achieving this vision consistent with the provincial land use planning framework. The OCP would be adopted by Council, and all future land use decisions shall be consistent with the OCP.
The new ZB would implement the policies of the OCP and establish the regulations for future growth and development within the municipal boundaries of the RM. Included are specific zoning designations to which specific permitted and discretionary uses are assigned. The ZB also contains administrative protocols, general and specific regulations and standards for land uses, and other tools to guide decision making in the promotion of suitable and beneficial development for the residents of the RM.
AFFECTED LAND: The affected land is described as all lands located within the jurisdiction of the RM. Specific Land Use Designations and Zoning Districts would be assigned to all lands within the RM and will be mapped. Copies of maps proposing the new land use designation and zoning schemes are available at the following web address for public view:
REASON: The reason for the adoption of the OCP is to:
1) Ensure that the RM remains a safe and sustainable community in the future.
2) Guide municipal land use planning decisions to achieve orderly and predictable development, and efficient use of municipal resources and services.
3) Promote a range of housing, business, recreational, institutional, and municipal function land use options within the RM.
4) Align the municipal land use planning decision making process with the current provincial planning framework.
The reason for the adoption of the ZB is to control the use of land to provide for the amenity of the area within the RM’s jurisdiction and for the health, safety, and general welfare of its inhabitants. The ZB includes the following zoning districts that provide standards for development within specific areas within the municipality. They are summarized as follows:
1) A - Agricultural District: which is intended to provide for agricultural land use and for low density residential development and other compatible developments.
2) F - Forestry District: which is intended to provide for low density forestry industry in the and around the Provincial Forest.
3) H - Hamlet District: which is intended to provide for low to medium-density residential development and other compatible developments.
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the proposed bylaws at the RM office during regular business hours, excluding any statutory holidays. Draft copies of the proposed bylaws are available from the RM office (hard copies at cost). Digital copies of the proposed bylaws and related mapping are available via email. The RM office is located at 104 Main St., PO Box 87, Okla, SK S0A 2X0.
Issued by the RM of Hazel Dell No. 335 this November 6, 2023.
Michelle Bednarz
Intern Administrator
RM of Hazel Dell